Lady Laxers Image
Don’t miss an opportunity to have your daughter and her friends be coached by Summit HS girls lacrosse current captains and starters! This 90 minute lacrosse clinic for 12 elementary age girls of any ability will be hosted by Mackenzie Matter, Molly Davies, Nell Ducey, and Susannah O'Connell. These four girls also played for STEPS Navy and each served as STEPS coaches this past fall and winter. They are all going on to play Division 1 lacrosse this upcoming fall at Georgetown, Northwestern, Penn State, and Yale.  Mackenzie and Susannah are defenders while Molly and Nell are middies and attackers.  Accolades span from All American to NJ Defender of the year to All State, All County, All Division, All Section as well as the US women’s national team. These girls love coaching and would love to have you bid on their donation! 

Lady Laxers

Item #657

$605 - 38 bids

Minimum Bid Increment:




Donated By:

Mackenzie Matter, Molly Davies, Nell Ducey, and Susannah O'Connell